Just as the great medieval Cathedrals
were both spiritual and cultural centers,
the Church in our time opens its doors to
invite and embrace the community it seeks to serve.
"Concerts given in Churches in our time are desirable
manifestations of the sacredness of art, the evangelical
mission of the Church, and an exemplary form
of outreach to the community.
In addition to the great corpus of musical literature
passed on to us for liturgical use, there has also been
created a unique repertoire which requires the ambience
of the sacred space and which is rarely effective in the
concert hall: cantatas, oratorios, passion settings,
concerti "da chiesa," liturgical music-dramas,
and the vast storehouse of Pipe Organ literature."
~ Conference of Roman Catholic Cathedral Musicians ~
Where modern society, with its technological emphasis,
so frequently fails to uphold aesthetic values,
the Church, following its practice since at least
medieval times, has the opportunity to reintroduce
these values through the ministry of art.
Properly prepared and performed, such concerts
give witness to the Gospel by addressing poverty of spirit
through the unique power of music to
inspire, elevate, teach and heal.

The Cathedral Concert Series endeavors to present
instrumental and choral music from the rich tradition of
Western Liturgy and inspired classical music
In a suitable visual and acoustic environment.
The Series' expenses and restoration of the
Historic Matthias Schwab Organ
Are funded exclusively by charitable
donations and facilitated by the
efforts of volunteers.
Your generous financial support is welcome to aid in the
continuance of the Cathedral Concert Series and
Restoration of the Historic Matthias Schwab Organ (1859).