The Cathedral Concert Series endeavors to present instrumental and Choral music from the rich tradition of Western Liturgy and
Inspired classical music in a suitable visual and acoustic environment.
The Cathedral Concert Series,
and restoration of the
Historic Matthias Schwab Organ
are both made possible
exclusively by your charitable donation and the
efforts of volunteers.
Your generous financial
support is appreciated.
Thank you for your visit

Dr. Gregory J. Schaffer
Cathedral Basilica Principal Organist and Choirmaster
Director, Cathedral Concert Series
Schwab Organ Restoration
In 1974,
The Historic Matthias Schwab Tracker Organ (1859) was rededicated in the Cathedral Basilica.
A tangible testament to the history of the
Diocese of Covington, Ky, the priceless instrument had been spared destruction when the
church which housed the organ was razed.
At the Basilica, an informal series of organ recitals followed this momentous event in the history of Covington, and quickly evolved into a full season with a series of programs.
The concerts began featuring not just the sound organ music, but expanded to choral, brass, and orchestral music.
The Greater Cincinnati music community
embraced this series format, word spread,
and now the Cathedral Concert Series celebrates
over four decades of concerts dedicated to
Western Sacred Music and classical music
which lifts hearts to God .
Under the artistic direction of the late
Dr. Robert J. Schaffer, with his wife,
the late Rita Avram Schaffer, the
Cathedral Concert Series flourished,
receiving local and national recognition in the
realm of sacred music series. In each season,
and in each concert, there is something for
listeners of all ages. Robert and Rita
performed on numerous concert occasions,
and began the presentation of
three annual programs - all of which are now the most heavily attended dates each year.
The Advent Festival of Lessons and Carols,
An Epiphany Epilogue, and the
J.S. Bach Birthday Musical Celebration
have all become patron favorites.
Of particular importance to the founders
was that these concerts would be offered with
no admission charge -
and always open to the general public.
This model defines the mission of the
Cathedral Concert Series, the responsibility
of an active urban Cathedral; that is,
to provide outreach and access to the
greater community, regardless of one's
financial or spiritual disposition.
All are welcome to these memorable
concert events and we are honored to have
you visit our beautiful Cathedral Basilica.
With gratitude, the Cathedral Concert Series
has continued - by the grace of God, and
generosity of many long-time patrons making
only freewill offerings taken up at concerts.
Your generous financial support is
welcomed to continue the Series and help
make it possible to offer the public
free of any admission charge.
You are always welcome at
St. Mary's Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption.